Want to have a website that screams "you" AND attracts your dream clients so you can reach your income goal

Without spending 3 months waiting for it to get done?

AKA your "dream day"

Say GOODBYE to spending a dumb amount of time explaining your services and it's benefits on social media chats praying and hoping they book a call with you and say HELLO to having an online home that will guide your dream clients right into working with you, ensuring that your website sells your services for you.

If you’re an entrepreneur who is ready to start making serious money with a website and you've said “I use my social media for my website” - this is for you.


You are an entrepreneur with a website on a platform that makes you cringe when you get on and it's just NOT getting you the results you want (cuz your website should not just be pretty, it should be strategic). - this is for you.



Website in a day

real talk:

Relying on social media (and Linktree) as your sole platform is holding your business back. To truly scale and lead in your industry, you need a strategic hub—a website that not only attracts your dream clients but also converts them into loyal customers. Without it, you're leaving growth on the table by missing key opportunities to drive sales and capture leads.


and you don't want to wait the usual 3 month timeline it takes to get one done, losing precious money with the clients you COULD be making during those 3+ months.

You're probably frustrated because you are spending too much time educating a potential client on what you do and what their next steps are that you don't have time for your actual clients! 

You are so ready to have this process streamlined so you can get more of your DREAM clients with LESS effort, but aren't sure where to even start. It all feels so daunting. 

BUUUUUT you have no clue how to do it or even what to put on your website...

and you could have it in ONE DAY!

And that is the key to getting more dream clients and having more time with the ones you do have. Or spending more time with kids or going out on the paddle board. 

What if you could have your dream website that not only screams "YOU", but shows off your skills, portfolio AND results, then guides your DREAM clients into your sales call (where you will undeniably win them over)?

That is exactly what you get with your Dream Day. 

A smooth, streamlined process from start to finish with copy templates and project timelines. 

You'll come away with your dream website that screams "YOU", connecting with your dream client and taking them through the journey of visitor to client. They will see your client work, your results from past clients, your services, your social proof, and be guided to book a call with you with action taking calls to action. 

Your dream client will land on your site, say "this is my person".

Imagine how it will feel...

To this:

to go from this:

handling that responsibility to someone else. 

Sending dream clients to your website where you are confidant they have what they need to book a call. 

Getting your dream website in ONE DAY.

Having a strategic website that converts your dream clients from visitors to clients.

Not knowing what to put on a website

Spending too much time with potential clients in the DMs

Waiting to level up your business but you don't have time.

Using social media as your website

If you are ready to make this transformation then...

You are invited to


Where you get your dream website that converts your visitors into clients in ONE DAY

I'm ready to Apply for my dream day!!

Inside website in a day:

Bomb AF Prepwork

- Copy templates: So the words on your website convert
- Get Prepared Checklist: to make sure we have literally everything we need to make your dream day is a success
- Streamlined Communication: So that you know exactly what is going on at what time. 

5 Semi-Custom website pages

- Responsive & mobile friendly
- SEO basics

So we hit the nail on the head when it comes to every element on your site

These are usually: the home, about, services, contact, and portfolio. 

Website Training

- How-To videos: for the visual learners
- Showit Guidebook: for written step by step instructions

So you aren't left like a deer in the headlights


- Custom Fonts
- Wordmark Logo

- Brand Board
- Color Palette

With one revision to make sure we are ON POINT

Book your day

payment Plan

3x $1,167

For the 50% off beta pricing

Pay in full


Apply NOW!!

"Also I have had so many compliments on the website so far!! You did so great!!!

Here's what other people have to say

⭐️ Tech Support

- 30 days of tech support in case any questions come up and you need help! 

You'll also get These bonuses:

⭐️ On-Brand Launch graphics

- IG/FB Story Graphics
- IG/FB Post Graphics

⭐️ IG Menu page

- A page that replaces LinkTree. 
- A place where all your links live

IN LESS than 24 hours

This means you get:

5 Semi-Custom Website Pages


Bomb AF Prep Work

Website Training

⭐️ IG Menu Page

⭐️ On-Brand Launch Graphics

⭐️ 30 day tech support


I''m so ready to elevate my business!

payment Plan

3x $1,167

Pay in full


allow me to introduce myself

I'm Melanie

The one who will take your website from "cute" to "Bad A powerful industry leader"

I've been creating website for about 8 years now. I've Also been a marketing specialist for 3 years. And guess what? I've learn A LOT! 

This is good news for you because I have learned how to combine my years as designer who has a great eye and my years as a marketing specialist to make websites that convert! 

Having a beautiful website is fun and all, but do you know what is more fun? Having a beautiful website that takes a dream client and takes them through the funnel which is your website and turn them into a client. 

That, right there, is the gold. AND i'm really good at it! Heck, you've made it this far on my page, right? 

I seriously cannot WAIT to work with you and make your dreams come true. 

You might be thinking, "how on earth do you do this in just one day?"

I have worked behind the scenes to create a highly detailed timeline we stick to to make sure everything runs smoothly, there is clear alignment, and you feel involved and in control. 
So come to your Day ready to get things DONE!  

Don't worry

Say no more, I'm so in


What if i have a blog or podcast? 

If you have a blog or podcast, this takes a lot more work and can't be done in one day. What you need is a custom website. Head here if that's what fits your needs. 


You are an entrepreneur ready for a business upgrade. If you need a place for your offerings to live and a place to send your dream clients so that you can spend less time babying the potential clients so you can spend more time on the clients that are paying you. 
This is for someone who doesn't have time in their busy life for a 3+ month project. You are looking to grow and you are looking to grow FAST. 

What if i'm not in love with my website?

Don't worry, our day starts with an hour long call so that I can learn EXACTLY what you like and what your website needs. I also allow for 1 revision for each page so that we make sure everything is EXACTLY how you dreamed it. 

Can I make changes to it in the future?

I get that business are always pivoting and changing. That's why I love Showit and how easy it is for you to make edits. I leave you with a video guide as well as a pdf guide of how to make changes. 

Grab your one-of-a-kind experience with your dream day and give your dream client no choice but to want to work with you!

Let's GO!

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